Your First Visit

Your First Visit

Statement of Welcome

As one part of the church of Jesus Christ, we are inspired and guided by Christ’s vision of God’s realm- one that includes all who seek to love God and neighbor.

First Presbyterian Church welcomes all people.

As a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), we invite those who respond in trust and obedience to God’s grace in Jesus Christ to become part of the membership and ministry of the church.

We would be pleased to have you join us in our journey of faith, regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, economic or family status, ethnic background, mental or physical abilities.

What to expect in Sunday worship

Everyone is welcome! Guests as well as members are greeted in a spirit of hospitality and welcome. Guests will find our morning greeters at the entrances to the church.  Feel free to ask any questions or seek direction from our greeters.  As you enter the sanctuary you will be provided with a worship bulletin that will guide you through our worship service. During the service, fellowship pads are passed among the pews. Please share your name and information so that our pastor can connect with you following the service.

We invite all visitors to join us for Sunday morning education classes for all ages. Classes meet from 9:00 am to 10:00 am.   Join us after our 10:00 am worship service for coffee, cookies and conversation in our Fellowship Hall, adjoining our Gathering Space.  We look forward to resuming a time of fellowship, coffee, and treats following worship as Covid cases continue to decline.

What should I wear?

Visitors are sometimes concerned about what to wear. First Presbyterian is not a particularly formal church—there is no Sunday dress code! Some men wear jackets and ties, some wear khakis. Some women wear dresses, some wear slacks. Just dress comfortably but respectfully.

If you have children…

Childcare for infants and toddlers is provided for all worship services and Sunday School.  No reservations are needed for childcare. Infants and toddlers are cared for by trained, competent childcare workers who genuinely love children and focus on helping them, and their parents, feel secure while in the church’s care.

We offer weekly Sunday School classes for children and youth, from preschool through 12th grade from 9:00-10:00 am each week.  Children’s Sunday School is held on the 2nd floor Sunday School hallway in the rooms directly adjacent to our nursery and preschool classrooms. Click here to learn more about our educational opportunities.

We are always delighted to welcome children into our worship. At First Presbyterian children are valued as vital members of our community of faith. Children’s worship bags can be found near the rear entryway of both the sanctuary and the balcony.  Feel free to pick one up for your child as you enter the worship space.   One special part of our worship service for children of preschool and elementary ages is our “Children’s Message.”  Children are invited to come to the front of the worship space to join our pastor or one of our adults as we talk about some aspect of our life together. After the Children’s Message, children who are preschool age or  younger may remain with family in the sanctuary, or may be taken to the preschool class or nursery for the duration of the worship service.


First Presbyterian Church welcomes all people. We work hard to ensure that everyone can be fully involved in our church family. First Presbyterian Church is wheelchair accessible. Accessible parking spaces are located on the north side of the church, by the glass doors. Accessible entrance to the building is found on the north side of the church where our ramp and elevator are located in the entrance lobby.   Accessible bathrooms are located throughout the church building. Assistive listening systems are available in the worship space.

Map & Directions

Located in the “Heart of the City”, First Presbyterian Church sits centrally located in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, at 310 5th Street SE.  We are located between the downtown Cedar Rapids Public Library and the Cedar Rapids Museum of Art: directly across from Greene Square.

When you arrive, you can find entrances to our parking lot on the North Side of the church, and you may enter from either Third Avenue SE, or Sixth Street SE.

You can also find on-street parking on Fifth Street SE or Third Avenue SE, or in front of the Cedar Rapids Public Library.

The back entrance to the church is accessible from the parking lot on the north side, through the glass doors.  You may also enter the church through the front doors, on the south side of the church